Switzerland VPS Server

Switzerland VPS Server

Want best and Cheapest Dedicated or VPS Server Hosting for your business? Onlive Server offers the best Services of both Dedicated Server and VPS Hosting at more than 30 locations. Yes gets this best Switzerland VPS Server hosting Services for your e-commerce business. Now every business does need a good Server hosting for their website. Therefore, user chooses the best server hosting according to their business scale. Thailand Dedicated Server Hosting fulfills all the website needs, yes because it comes with all the high advance features and technology. Onlive Server provides both services of Dedicated Server and VPS Hosting with high modern technology especially at Switzerland and Thailand. Yes, users can check to look the best plan for Server hosting.

Name OS CoreRAM Harddisk Bandwidth IP DC Location Monthly Price
Switzerland VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Zurich, Switzerland$25.00
Switzerland VPS X11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1 Zurich, Switzerland$25.00
Switzerland VPS Y22 GB60 GB SSD2 TB1 Zurich, Switzerland$47.00
Switzerland VPS Z44 GB120 GB SSD4 TB1 Zurich, Switzerland$91.00

Thailand Dedicated Server hosting solutions

Our Thailand Dedicated Server hosting solutions permit users to cover users’ entire business site requirement. Our best services are mainly designed to ensure a reliable Server hosting plan for users. Grab the best plans without delay because this amazing feature will not available everywhere. Onlive Server is a leading company where we satisfy to our users with best features and services. Well we provide our best plans at all over the global location. But mainly we have the utmost advantageous features for these two countries.

Now it just depend the scale of business site that which kind of server hosting will fit in website. Generally we can mention all the advantages of Thailand Dedicated Server and VPS Hosting. Even though you remain confuse for the Server Hosting, make a contact with our technology expert because we are here for just removing the confusion relating Server Hosting.

  • Dedicated Server hosting is only hosting which can improve website performance and enhance the flexibility.
  • It is the best solution for every kind of Server hosting, medium or large.
  • Dedicated Server as it is high in cost, its features is also high advance. Its work flexibly and monitoring the performance of site.
  • It is reliable and protected, where user get all the data recover without risk.
  • If user has a large kind of business, Dedicated Server hosting is most appropriate option.
  • Onlive Server comes to provide this high technology based Dedicated Server with Global Data centers.
  • Talking about the best and cheap plan for Thailand Dedicated Server is start at just $149 with DSX1 – Intel i7-4790 – 4C/8T/4.00 GHz, 8GB RAM, 500GB HDD per month.

Hence, those who do not want to spend huge amount on server hosting, but want website performance better, nothing can be better than VPS Server Hosting. Yes only VPS is one who is highly comparable with Dedicated, because it has mostly features which are more similar than Dedicated. And it is very cost effective and suitable for medium and large kind of business website.

  • It does not mean as it is cheap in price compare to other server hosting than its quality will be cheap. It comes with variation of services and technology.
  • It is also reliable hosting for users with scalability and speed
  • Onlive Server provides fully managed VPS Server Hosting
  • The minimum plan for Switzerland VPS Server Hosting is start at just $22 with 1 Core, 1 GB RAM, 30 GB HDD, 1000 GB Bandwidth, KVM VPS per month.

Know Us

As we told you that Onlive Server provide the whole knowledge to our users before making any decision regarding Server Hosting. We have the best world-wide technical services for our users.